Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

Advances in understanding and examining lymphatic function: relevance for understanding autoimmunity.

TitleAdvances in understanding and examining lymphatic function: relevance for understanding autoimmunity.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAmbler W, Santambrogio L, Lu TT
JournalCurr Opin Rheumatol
Date Published2022 Mar 01
KeywordsAutoimmune Diseases, Autoimmunity, Humans, Lymph Nodes, Lymphatic System, Lymphatic Vessels

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this review is to give insights into how novel lymphatics functions may influence autoimmunity.

RECENT FINDINGS: The lymphatic system connects peripheral tissues to draining lymph nodes to regulate adaptive immunity and directly interfaces with leukocytes in lymph vessels and in the lymph node. Here, we discuss recent findings showing evidence of dysfunctional lymphatics in autoimmune disease, new understanding of how afferent lymphatic regulation can modulate immunity, lymph node lymphatic heterogeneity and how these lymphatics can directly modulate lymphocyte function, how this understanding can be harnessed for new therapeutics, and new tools for the investigation of lymphatic and immune biology.

SUMMARY: Lymphatics have an active role in the regulation of inflammation and the adaptive immune response. Here, we review recent findings in lymphatics biology in peripheral tissues and lymph nodes and emphasize the relevance for better understanding autoimmune diseases.

Alternate JournalCurr Opin Rheumatol
PubMed ID34954700
Grant ListP01 AG031782 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States

Weill Cornell Medicine Englander Institute for Precision Medicine 413 E 69th Street
Belfer Research Building
New York, NY 10021