Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

Catastrophic DNA replication in unscheduled tetraploid cells.

TitleCatastrophic DNA replication in unscheduled tetraploid cells.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsManic G, Galluzzi L, Vitale I
JournalTrends Genet
Date Published2022 Aug
KeywordsAneuploidy, Cell Cycle Proteins, DNA Replication, Humans, Mitosis, S Phase, Tetraploidy

Unscheduled tetraploidy is a metastable state that rapidly evolves into aneuploidy. Recent findings reported by Gemble et al. demonstrate that freshly formed tetraploid cells fail to accumulate the required amounts of DNA replication factors during the first G phase after whole-genome duplication (WGD), culminating in genetic instability in the subsequent S phase and extensive karyotypic alterations.

Alternate JournalTrends Genet
PubMed ID35490031

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Belfer Research Building
New York, NY 10021