Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

LTX-315 triggers anticancer immunity by inducing MyD88-dependent maturation of dendritic cells.

TitleLTX-315 triggers anticancer immunity by inducing MyD88-dependent maturation of dendritic cells.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsLi X-Q, Yamazaki T, He T, Alam MMasud, Liu J, Trivett AL, Sveinbjørnsson B, Rekdal Ø, Galluzzi L, Oppenheim JJ, Yang D
JournalFront Immunol
Date Published2024
KeywordsAdaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing, Dendritic Cells, Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88, Oligopeptides, Toll-Like Receptors

LTX-315 is a synthetic cationic oncolytic peptide with potent anticancer activity but limited toxicity for non-malignant cells. LTX-315 induces both immunogenic tumor cell death and generation of tumor-specific immune responses in multiple experimental tumor models. Given the central role of dendritic cell (DC) maturation in the induction of antigen-specific immunity, we investigated the effect of LTX-315 treatment on the maturation of tumor-infiltrating DCs (TiDCs) and the generation of anti-melanoma immunity. We found that LTX-315 treatment induces the maturation of DCs, both indirectly through the release of cancer cell-derived damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs)/alarmins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) capable of triggering distinct Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling, and, directly by activating TLR7. The latter results in the ignition of multiple intracellular signaling pathways that promotes DC maturation, including NF-κB, mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and inflammasome signaling, as well as increased type 1 interferon production. Critically, the effects of LTX-315 on DCs the consequent promotion of anti-melanoma immunity depend on the cytosolic signal transducer myeloid differentiation response gene 88 (MyD88). These results cast light on the mechanisms by which LTX-315 induces DC maturation and hence elicits anticancer immunity, with important implications for the use of LTX-315 as an anticancer immunotherapeutic.

Alternate JournalFront Immunol
PubMed ID38545099
PubMed Central IDPMC10967226

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