Englander Institute for Precision Medicine

Type I interferon signaling in malignant blasts contributes to treatment efficacy in AML patients.

TitleType I interferon signaling in malignant blasts contributes to treatment efficacy in AML patients.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsHolicek P, Truxova I, Rakova J, Salek C, Hensler M, Kovar M, Reinis M, Mikyskova R, Pasulka J, Vosahlikova S, Remesova H, Valentova I, Lysak D, Holubova M, Kaspar P, Prochazka J, Kasikova L, Spisek R, Galluzzi L, Fucikova J
JournalCell Death Dis
Date Published2023 Mar 24
KeywordsAntineoplastic Agents, Humans, Interferon Type I, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute, Signal Transduction, Treatment Outcome, Tumor Microenvironment

While type I interferon (IFN) is best known for its key role against viral infection, accumulating preclinical and clinical data indicate that robust type I IFN production in the tumor microenvironment promotes cancer immunosurveillance and contributes to the efficacy of various antineoplastic agents, notably immunogenic cell death inducers. Here, we report that malignant blasts from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) release type I IFN via a Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3)-dependent mechanism that is not driven by treatment. While in these patients the ability of type I IFN to stimulate anticancer immune responses was abolished by immunosuppressive mechanisms elicited by malignant blasts, type I IFN turned out to exert direct cytostatic, cytotoxic and chemosensitizing activity in primary AML blasts, leukemic stem cells from AML patients and AML xenograft models. Finally, a genetic signature of type I IFN signaling was found to have independent prognostic value on relapse-free survival and overall survival in a cohort of 132 AML patients. These findings delineate a clinically relevant, therapeutically actionable and prognostically informative mechanism through which type I IFN mediates beneficial effects in patients with AML.

Alternate JournalCell Death Dis
PubMed ID36964168
PubMed Central IDPMC10039058
Grant ListU54 CA274291 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States

Weill Cornell Medicine Englander Institute for Precision Medicine 413 E 69th Street
Belfer Research Building
New York, NY 10021